  • Gender
  • Inclusion
  • Innovation
  • Addictions
  • Welfare
  • Employment
  • Community building
  • Participation
  • Migrations
  • School
  • Youth empowerment

  • Project

    Future Citizens

    Futuri Cittadini (Future Citizens) was a capacity-building project financed by the Ministry of the Interior within the FAMI programme (Asylum Migration Integration Fund). The project leader was the lo...

  • News

    Urban wall writing _ wanted!

    We are working on our magazine codici404’s issue n.1, whose running theme is “speaking up.” We need your help once again. We are looking for amateur pictures of writing on the wall in any langua...

  • Project

    Talk to Me

    ParL@MI (Talk to Me) was a project aiming to create an inclusive, effective and coherent training course in learning Italian as a Second Language (L2) for non-EU foreign citizens. The courses and work...

  • Project

    Breaking the Circle

    Breaking the Circle was an EU-funded project managed by the Metropolitan City of Milan with a group of organisations from Italy, Cyprus, Romania and Spain: Codici Ricerca e Intervento, Associazione Co...

  • Project

    MIL PASOS (A thousand steps)

    The general objective of the Mil Pasos (A thousand steps, in Spanish) project was to promote the inclusion of young foreigners and facilitate processes of personal growth, social integration and inter...

  • Project

    All citizens

    "All citizens. Innovative services for a changing local community" was a capacity-building project financed with EIF (European Fund for the Integration of third-country nationals) funds. It involved s...

  • Project

    FIL ROUGE. Sewing nets of linguistic solidarity and narrations

    Fil Rouge (literally Red Thread in French, meaning common theme, common thread) was a project experimenting with and consolidating innovative methods for alphabetisation and L2 Italian learning among ...

  • Project


    Diversity on the Move is a research project co-funded by the European Union - DG Justice - Progress Programme, whose aim was to explore discrimination in the labour market and public administration. C...

  • Project

    Saturday in the Village

    Il Sabato del villaggio (Saturday in the Village) was a project financed with EIF (European Fund for the Integration of Third-Country Nationals) funds, led by the Municipality of Cesano Maderno. The p...

  • Project


    Latinos was a research intervention promoting the social integration of Latin American minors and young adults living in Milan. The project used a peer research methodology, managing educational inter...

  • Project

    Beyond Chinatown

    Beyond Chinatown was a project financed with EIF (European Fund for the Integration of Third-Country Nationals) funds, carried out by a group of researchers, workers and artists, together with Sino-It...

  • Project

    We are here

    Siamo qui (We Are Here) was an awareness-raising project on ‘life in migration’, which created and disseminated multimedia materials on issues related to family reunification. Siamo qui told the s...